Movie Finder
JavaScript/JQuery, AJAX, CSS/Bulma, HTML
GitHub And Description
This is a project that was done collaborating with a group of 5 people. The project allows a user to enter a movie and be presented with information about the movie, the places the user can stream the movie, and a feature to add the movie to a watchlist so they can click on it and be presented with the information for the movie. It used CSS/Bulma, AJAX, JavaScript/JQuery, and HTML.
GitHub RepositoryDay Planner
Moment.js, JavaScript/JQuery, CSS/Bootstrap
GitHub And Description
This is a homework assignment where a feature for employees to schedule their day on the standard business hours was implemented. The data can be saved for each block by clicking a button next to the text area. The technologies that were used include Bootstrap, JQuery, and Moment.js.
GitHub RepositoryWeather Dashboard
JavaScript/JQuery, Moment.js, CSS/Bootstrap, HTML, AJAX
GitHub And Description
This is a homework assignment where a weather dashboard was built that will display the forecast to the user. A feature was added to make an AJAX call to the Open Weather API and return data for the current weather and the weather for the next 5 days. The technologies used in the project include HTML, CSS/Bootstrap, JavaScript/JQuery, Moment.js, and the Open Weather API.
GitHub RepositoryTripShare
JavaScript/Jquery, AJAX, CSS, HTML, Node.js, Handlebars, Express.js, Cloudinary, Sequelize, MySQL
GitHub And Description
This project was completed with a group of four. It is a travel blog website that allows a user to create an account and make travel blog posts. Users click the login page then they are presented with an option to either log in or sign up. They are then redirected to the page that allows them to create blog posts and view and delete their past blog posts. They then enter a title, text, and upload an image. On the front page, the user can comment and like or dislike a blog post. The technologies used include HTML, CSS, Node.js, Handlebars, Express.js, Multer, Sequelize, and MySQL.
GitHub RepositoryEmployee Tracker
JavaScript, Node.js, MySQL, Inquirer
GitHub And Description
This is a Node.js application that allows a user to track employees. It has features for storing employees, roles, departments, and managers. The application runs in the terminal and uses MySQL for the SQL database. The user can add to, delete from, and make edits to the tables. The technologies used in this application include Node.js, MySQL, and Inquirer.
GitHub RepositoryEcommerce Backend
Sequelize, MySQL, Node.js, Express.js
GitHub And Description
This is a homework assignment where the backend for an ecommerce website was built. It needed to have the Sequelize models and Express.js routes built. The application allows basic actions to be performed like grabbing all items, grabbing an item by id, updating an item, and deleting an item. The technologies used include Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize, and MySQL.
GitHub RepositoryKintsugi
JavaScript, React, GraphQL, AJAX, CSS, HTML, Node.js, Express.js, Cloudinary, MongoDB, Mongoose
GitHub And Description
This is a project that was completed with a group of 5 people. It is an ecommerce site for broken items. It allows users to list items and save items to their wishlist. The technologies used include MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js, GraphQL, React, and CSS.
GitHub RepositorySocial Media Backend
Mongoose, MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js
GitHub And Description
This assignment involved the building of the backend for a social network. It has MongoDB models and uses RESTful Express routes. It allows for the creation of users, thoughts, and comments that can go on thoughts. It allows for updating, deleting, and creating of the users and thoughts and creation and deletion of comments. The technologies used include MongoDB, Mongoose, Express.js, and Node.js.
GitHub RepositoryPython Newsfeed
Python, Flask, MySQL, SQLAlchemy
GitHub And Description
This assignment involved the building of the backend for a social network. It has MongoDB models and uses RESTful Express routes. It allows for the creation of users, thoughts, and comments that can go on thoughts. It allows for updating, deleting, and creating of the users and thoughts and creation and deletion of comments. The technologies used include MongoDB, Mongoose, Express.js, and Node.js.
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